Hi, my name is Pritpal Panesar. I’m currently a Platform Engineer with Kainos.

This blog has some random musings on the various issues/tasks I perform. My role mainly involves working with Azure at the moment.

I’ve been working in IT since graduating Uni back in 1998. I started my career learning Visual Basic 5/6 and doing Y2K work on insanely large Excel workbooks. Following that, there was a few years as a ASP web developer. This lead to looking after a number of ASP/IIS sites as well as working on them. As the company moved away from ASP/IIS, I became a Java developer and eventually the manager of a team of developers.

It’s at that point my career took a slight turn, having to manage a team meant I didn’t have time to dedicate to working on code. I ended up managing the team and being the ops person for the team. Eventually I switched full time to an Ops role and now I’m a Platform Engineer.

Of course, this covers a range of companies of various sizes and permanent roles and contract roles.